June 5 2023 | Chinese manufacturing underperforms, falling short of expectations. Why It Matters: China being the 2023 wild card and pulling the global economy out of a slowdown with pent-up COVID spending seems increasingly less likely. Source: thedailyshot

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May 22 2023 |Sneaker sales have slowed and footwear companies are amassing troves of unsold shoes. Why It Matters: Sky-high sneaker prices were a symbol of consumer extravagance. The slowdown suggests a necessary recalibration from excess, bringing us back down to earth. Source: thedailyshot

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May 22 2023 |The Interest Coverage Ratio gauges how much of a company’s profits go to interest expenses.

A high ratio = company profits significantly exceed interest expenses. Why It Matters: A strong ratio is encouraging, indicating that companies remain profitable. Source: Torston Slok

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May 22 2023 | In a surprise twist, home builder optimism improved this week. Why It Matters: One month doesn’t make a trend, but this could signal a reversal from the recent slump, and could have significant implications for the economy and overall consumer spending. Source: thedailyshot

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May 22 2023 | U.S. retail sales exceed predictions, as the consumer continues to spend. Why It Matters: The unexpected strength in consumer spending is encouraging. It suggests a potential for delaying the possibility of a recession. Source: thedailyshot

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May 15 2023 | Lawmakers are racing to find common ground and reach a compromise regarding the debt ceiling (the amount of national debt that can be incurred by the U.S. Treasury). Why It Matters: The potential ‘X’ date has been pushed to July, that gives the time where a U.S. default shouldn’t be an option. Source: The Economist

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