October 17, 2022 | The U.S. consumer has been a lynchpin of the economy; The savings they accrued during the pandemic have helped drive the continued spending in these challenging markets.While savings have been drawn down, there is still ample dry powder left. Source: Torsten Slok

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October 10, 2022 | The U.S. consumer’s savings rate continues to trend at some of the lowest levels seen in the past decade. The U.S. consumer is continuing to spend in the face of global headwinds.Lower Savings Rate = More Spending = Stronger Economy in the near-term. Source: thedailyshot

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August 5, 2022 | US consumers withdraw from savings, pushing the savings rate lower. Consumers depleting their savings is not good in the long-term, but in the near and medium term this will have a positive effect on corporate profits. Less Savings = More Spending = Higher profits. Source: @thedailyshot

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