December 18, 2023 | Expectations of cuts have nudged down interest rates, driving mortgage rates to an 8-month low.

Why It Matters: It’s key to watch if this mortgage rate dip will reignite the housing market, enticing buyers back into the fray.

Source: dailychartbook

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December 18, 2023 | Inflation shows a cooling trend with recent figures aligning with subdued expectations.

Why It Matters: Inflation is approaching the Fed’s +2% goal, and opens the door for potential rate cuts, providing the economy a much-needed respite.

Source: Source Financial Advisors

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December 18, 2023 | Stocks moved higher as the Fed adjusts its outlook, now expecting three (3) rate cuts in 2024.

Why It Matters: Markets are factoring in these additional forecasted cuts, hinting at the sunset of the high-interest era, a transition cheered by investors.

Source: SoberLook

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December 4, 2023 | Auto loan delinquency ratios have ticked up, mirroring banks’ hesitance to lend.

Why It Matters: Highly sensitive to interest rates, auto loans can be a powerful forecaster of the economy’s health. Delinquencies may signal challenges ahead.

Source: DiMartinoBooth

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December 4, 2023 | The Impact of rising rates in the Europen Union (EU) is apparent, as data consistently falls below estimates.

Why It Matters: To gauge the EU’s economy, there’s a need to focus on specific rates and regions.
Vulnerable to rate hikes, the Southern EU region offers early signs of broader effects. Source: Gavekal

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December 4, 2023 | Preliminary data indicate spending on Black Friday and Cyber Monday came in strong. Why It Matters: Despite a slight uptick, consumer savings rates have trended downwards since 2nd Quarter 2023.

Lower Savings = More Spending = Economic Boost Source: dailycharbook, Source Financial Advisors

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